Friday, May 21, 2010



me and mish try to get the internet to work at the library/go searching for wireless

only place with wireless is a 'taphouse' (white people slang for 'bar with expensive fries')

'writing article' turns into john frusciante youtube videos + fries + beer

funky bro holes/unicorn and walrus tattoos

more beer

go home to find dad using new amp

get pissed because dad is way way better than i remembered

get pissed-er because i almost thought i had gotten better than him finally/could out drink him finally

tall cans
tall cans
tall cans


my cat is retarded

suddently realize i should probably get a job /life

tall cans

Monday, May 10, 2010

unemployment specialist

in between fistfighting my amp, drinking beer, trying to get a US work visa, and being the busiest unemployed person ever, i have squeezed out two more things for hearty. thanks go to mish for helping with editing/resizing.

here they be:





Sunday, May 2, 2010


tonight i accidentally destroyed my computer and now have lost pretty much every important song, piece of writing, photo of iseult, resume, tax return, and all the junk i'd transferred onto this laptop from age 17 onwards. everything from detox diaries written when i was an 18 year old skid to my last scanned photos of iseult dating back to the tenth grade, to the stuff i was gonna submit to hearty tomorrow morning.

of course facebook tarot is eerily accurate again. when i went to check my email, i thought to look to the wisdom of the facebook tarot wizard to see what tomorrow/this morning would have in store for me. well fuck. way to wave it in my face, tarot genie, you smug fucker.

Transformation. Death of the old ways. Making way for new energy and revitalization. Time to look for a new path. Change in a relationship, job or long-standing belief. Possible new beginning or liberation. Time to let go of something and let it pass from your life. Change of mind. Outside influence will cause drastic change. Accept change or change will be thrust upon you. Grieving a loss or change. Rebirth.

Friday, April 30, 2010

stink nuggetssss

HEY Y'ALL. i've been busy preparing for auditions, writing about john mayer and AA (you'll see), trying to arrange a possible trip/move down south, and drinking during the day/eating things i dropped on the floor/talking to my cats.

i just wanted to post this masterpiece: ALL I DO IS SMOKE WEED

as you can see, i've been very productive with my time and am only into the most high-brow comdedy these days.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



thanks to my homegirl mish, i am gonna be doing a bit here and there for hearty magazine. thanks to things like an editor, my stuff is actually grammatically correct and tidy looking. here's my first piece of magic hangover ramble for them: LONG LIVE THE QUEEN

Monday, April 19, 2010






GO TO THE STATES WITH ME VIA GREYHOUND ($100 bucks gets you all the way to texas)


Page of Cups

A youthful boy with the promise of life and love at his feet. A message of love coming to you. Seduction by a younger person possible. Someone trying to charm you. A love of beauty and imagination. Puppy love. Innocence. A young person at the beginning stages of a new relationship. Possible over-excitement in love. New social contacts are possible.

posted because facebook tarot apps are conjured up by the most powerful internet wizard ever.

Friday, March 19, 2010

i even got a free burrito


free burrito
guitar tech apologizes for sexism and ends up being really cool
another guitar is sold
bought dream guitar with the money
easiest extra credit marks ever
soup at langara is really good today
eyes are getting better/glasses got fixed too
getting a ride home
beer in fridge, avocados in fridge too
runaways movie tonight?


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

for martin

today while walking home from a doctor's appointment, i ran into an old friend. he was panhandling outside of a 7-11, full beard, looking about 40-50 pounds thinner than he was when i knew him. three years ago he was a strapping, tough french canadian guy - built like a fucking refrigerator, like he had steel for bones. now all the life has run out of his eyes, his loud as hell laugh - one of my favorite laughs - would probably break his bones if he could muster it up.

i remember once, when me and my ex had next to nothing, he went down to the beach with my then-fiancee, to gather flowers because we had just gotten engaged. they found a necklace down there and he gave it to me that afternoon, one of the only solid things i have to remember my engagement/relationship besides a gold ring a dealer gave me a year later. the necklace is the only item from that time that holds positive memories. oh, and once he accused a squirrel of stealing a joint from him, so he stole the nut that the squirrel was nibbling on as payback. that was pretty awesome.

i guess the worst part is that through all of this, i could clearly recognize a look on his face, something he was saying without verbalizing. something that you could see on my face once, in my old life, when it was too hard to talk.

it looked like he was trying to say "i'm sorry."

i went home and sat down and cried like a total pussy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

strange lives

My dad, age 21/22

Postal Address:
Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, Drawer __, Burnaby ___, BC

Date: Sept. 18/1971

...Anyways, I'm being transferred out of here to Haney on Tuesday to some kind of work farm...they don't seem to consider me a terribly dangerous criminal - they're wrong of course, but it's their business and not mine...."

Letter from my dad to his family from Oakalla Prison aka Lower Mainland Regional Correctional, early 1970's.

Dear Mom and Dad

The trial has been postponed until the 7th of February, but there is much talk about how it will turn out, of course it could only be rumours and yet it seems like evry thing has been worked out behind our backs before we even set foot in court. "

If I should by some miracle die it's better that than to degenerate into some mush-ball. I may not know what I want to do but I sure as hell know what I don't want to do. This is why I hate letters, they make me feel dirty as if every word I have written is a lie. "

About Oakalla Prison/ LMRC and Haney:

Documenting memories of Oakalla prison 1912-1991

It is the common verdict that all prisons and jails are dangerous, frightening places and most of our communities simply will not consider hosting one. Yet there have been fewer than a half dozen prisons in all of Canadian history which truly deserve to be labeled "infamous". American penal history has its Alcatraz, its Leavenworth, Sing Sing, Folsom, San Quentin and many more. In Canada the most feared prison was the "super-maximum" called Millhaven, built outside of Kingston, Ontario. Here on the Pacific Coast no prison was more "infamous" than Oakalla, in Burnaby.

The statistics for Oakalla hint at the horror and decades of unrelenting pain. There were 44 official executions (hangings) ... 890 escapes between 1940-1990 and a score of full scale riots. There were also dozens of suicides and a few thousand suicide attempts, during the prison's last decades of operation.
A 1987 aerial photo of the main hall of the Oakalla prison complex in Burnaby, B.C., near Vancouver. Oakalla was completely demolished in 1992 at the insistence of the municipal government, and replaced by 531 "luxury" condo townhouses and rental apartments. It has been suggested that the ghosts of the men executed at Oakalla still haunt the hillside property. Research for THE GHOSTS OF OAKALLA has uncovered many extraordinary and compelling stories of its desperate inmates.

There have been just a handful of books published about Oakalla Prison and Earl Andersen's HARD PLACE TO DO TIME (1993) is probably the best of the bunch. Ironically, given the fact that Oakalla was always in the news, there have been no documentary films produced on its history or its incredible inmate population. Well we are now addressing that lack of foresight because time is running out. The survivors are dying off and living memory has become dull. Pre-production is underway and we will have an HD video short ready for viewing by mid-August. Any person or group with an interest in viewing THE GHOSTS OF OAKALLA

should send me their contact information.
The isolation unit of the infamous Oakalla Prison in Burnaby, B.C. The institution had a fascinating and deeply troubled history. It housed a Who's Who of British Columbia criminals and political prisoners.

Six years later, my parents met:

"I'm full of hope about the life in Canada. And we can do anything because we're together. We both have energy, hope, and the reason of our lives (sic)...each other.

1977/3/27 "

My mom, age 21.


Friday, February 26, 2010


i went to bed at 8am and woke up at 4pm, the entire time i dreamt that the city was flooded. i i was looking out my window and realized that everything up to my apartment floor was submerged - and i live on the 9th floor. all i could see were the tops of highrises. for some reason various people in my life were in my living room, and we were all just waiting together, looking out the windows. i woke up before the drowning point, but i kind of feel like this is one of those dreams that is a precursor to something significant.

i've only felt the need to write down my dreams maybe three or four times. every one of those dreams ended up immediately foreshadowing a major life changing event. the last time i wrote down a dream was the day iseult died. i got the phone call later that day, right before i dreamt of a place i described in my journal as some sort of heaven, one that i left someone at right before i woke up.

hold onto your hats, drive safe, my closest friends and both my parents are travelling via van or plane at various points this week. crossed fingers for safe skies and safe roads.

Monday, February 22, 2010

sounds of synanon

recorded in 1964, all the musicians here are patients at synanon rehab. joe pass was in for heroin addiction, which he overcame after ten years of jail, poverty, and semi-homelessness. apparently he took his (already insane) guitar playing and improvisational skills to another level in rehab, practicing all day and night because there's nothing better to do in treatment. this is the result:

so maybe heidi fleiss, tom sizemore, kari-ann, and dennis rodman should start putting something together? "the sounds of celebrity rehab 3"?

Friday, February 12, 2010


i think god was watching mtv one day when he realized he had to do something about that john mayer fellow. this is that asshole that just HAD to make the song "your body is a wonderland" exist. who goes out of his way to explain how he is a serious artist doing serious artist things like dating jennifer aniston, getting a bunch of shitty japanese fish tattoos, and making a (entirely faked) guitar face that is so fucking disgusting that it can't be described in the words. it actually makes your insides feel funny.

this guy tries to claim he's a legit guitarist, does hendrix and SRV covers, works with clapton (who is currently a lame, irrelevant iphone-shilling, old millionaire) and buddy guy and blah blah blah, then backtracks on his shitty music by putting together a SERIOUS guitar trio - that is shitty - really, really shitty.

the universe decided it had had enough and mayer ruined his career with a terrible playboy interview, in which he proved himself to be a sheltered simpleton frat-boy, asking "what is being black?" and then going on to drop this gem: "not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s." WHOA.

he just dug the hole deeper as the interview went on: by saying "nigger", talking about how he has a hood pass because he worked with one black guy once or something, making a white supremacist reference when describing his...ugh...his dick ("my dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock.") , and calling jessica simpson "SEXUAL NAPALM". the guy also admitted that him and jennifer aniston broke up because he was addicted to twitter. holy fuck.

the press jumped all over him and the entire world has joined together to say "FUCK JOHN MAYER". i turned on the news and there was a CNN panel discussing what a turd he is. yes!!!!

today, to appease the gods, john mayer cmade this official statement:

"I quit the media game. I'm out. I'm done,"


"It seems that John Mayer fans are set to feel devastated by recent reports claiming that the rocker is planing to retire soon. According to the news, John could be ending his career in the music scene after he finishes his current tour.

That news surfaced after the rock singer himself stated in an interview with USA Today, stating that he might not be releasing anymore albums."


Sunday, February 7, 2010


andrea just made me remember our grade six science fair project that just sums up the best parts of my tweens. the premise was that we were going to record the effects of music on the miiiind - it was called "BRAINWASH" (as in "carwash" but instead of cars its 11 year old brains and instead of soap its cds through headphones out of the boombox in my bedroom.)

we slacked off until the last minute and never ended up actually doing any of it, and made a bunch of kids in our class lie that they were participants in our research project. we wrote a completely made-up report, claiming we had recorded heart rate, temperature, BRAINWAVES, everything. with medical equipment we somehow had lying around. like tiny idiot doctors. we even put down what we thought would be "believable" results, like heart rate of 12 bpm or something.

the best part is that our project revolved around the effects of...L7! a totally made up science fair project about how we had discovered the groundbreaking scientific link between "mr. integrity" and the brainwaves, heart rates, and MINDS of 11 year olds.

seeing as we were tiny idiot geniuses, our project ended up going to provincials, where we sat in a gym full of chinese mensa kids doing biochemistry and physics. we explained our medical research to the various judges that probably assumed our project was an elaborate joke so smart that it landed us in provincials.

and then, in grade nine, we took the exact same project, dusted it off, and entered it in our high school science fair. this time it involved people also having to blow up balloons. holy shit.

if the stars align, it is still in our highschool, which happens to be a block away from where i live. we just need to track it we can both have end of term projects this semester.


i need to figure this out

i just called daniel

he mentioned something about us making people blow up balloons


that sounds vaguely familiar

i know fuck

im going through my hotmail account

Thursday, February 4, 2010


i am going into retirement from having friends. i hope there is some sort of home for this.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


either i'm floating on a mixture of acid, ecstasy, freebase and pixie stix - or there are really a hundred tie dyed black guys with pom poms dancing in unison while diana ross runs around hand in hand with a midget covered in sparkles on my TV.


when you don't sleep regularly for long enough your dreams begin to unfold in real life and real life becomes a weird ___ hour period where you watch your dreams on TV while looking for the weather network.

now a bunch of crack dealers that just so happen to be crows are hasslin' michael jackson - probably for the 80 bucks of unicorn tranquelizer they fronted him. MJ as a scarecrow all tangled up on a quasi-crucifix is a really really weird thing to see.

eight months ago i moved my stuff into my parents place with the intention of staying for a week, so i could get my shit together. fast forward to today and this is what i'm doing while waiting for my chicken nuggets to be done. so basically if you do enough drugs to ruin your life and lose your apartment, good things will happen to you. if you're me. and get handed one high five after another by whoever programs the cosmos.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


i'm at some shitty crossroads, except this one isn't like the one robert johnson came to where he sold his soul to the devil to be able to be the baddest guitarist in the world - because i would be into that. this is like the one that the young adult comes to when they realize that they need their friends, and they need to make things happen. and when both are absent, they eventually have to choose between chugging along the way things are, or breaking away and potentially ruining their lives in a whole new city. that or being a junkie again - just kidding, guys!

MORAL: lets hang out more. i miss everyone. call me, knock on my door, send a carrier pigeon. fax me a high five. i accept donations of corn chips and or beer.

i'll figure something out. i always doooooo.


i am not this much of a bummer in real life. i seriously just googled "deep thoughts animals" for ten minutes. thats pretty heavy.

Monday, January 25, 2010



this guy was an actual pimp. i think that his bones are made of crack cocaine and his blood is made of cognac and women's tears.

Monday, January 11, 2010

alcohol and paypal

woke up to the UPS guy delivering me a big bag of picks. this is why i should not have a credit card.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

picz 2 come

there were wizards on the bus. i happened to catch their secret conversations on a papyrus scroll. composite sketches soon to come when my mom is not sleeping. who knew wizards got off at skytrain stations?

"u eat seafood?"
"u hafta do organic."
" tuna."
"everything organic."

"she was like eating KFC then all on my blog..."



"is this an animated movie?"

"when we saw the dragons..."



"he did crazy movies that like took me somewhere else...he works at burger king."

"whats yer favorite game?"


"dat star wars game wuz crazy"
"...yeah, crazy!"
"have u every played magic the gathering?"


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

how long until i delete this for the 2nd time

i got drunk and wrote this a few days after christmas. i guess it's time to show you my earnest, embarrassing side. my mtv unplugged side. my straight to dvd romantic comedy alter ego.


this time last year i was married, with two cats (cheeseburger and sylvia), in an apartment in south van. i still have my wedding ring, and my engagement ring. i remember how strange it felt to not have them on after it ended. i still have them, in a box on my parents' bookshelf.

my life has changed so much. i never thought i would ever move back in with my parents. when i had no other choice i even fought it. i slept in the hospital for two days just to not have to face being enough of a loser to have to move back in with the folks. but waking up alone in a hospital bed, with no friends to speak of, an alienated family, and finally no husband, left me with no choice. i came home.

and i am so glad i did. as degrassi as it sounds. i spent two weeks sweating and crying in a makeshift bed on the floor of my parents' house, under my mom's drafting board, begging for either a swift death in my sleep, or to have my shitty, shitty husband back.

flash forward to today: since then (june 2009) i have had four life threatening heroin overdoses. this is while i've been trying to be clean. the first was a week after the break-up, and i had only been clean for a week at that point. i guess it's the most understandable. young adult faces breakup and is too much of a pussy to just be sad for a month or two. the other three are bullshit, and a result of me trying to live guilt-free from my shitty, shitty gross drug problems. there is nothing worse than waking up to paramedics shoving tubes down your throat after injecting you with narcan and fitting you with a ventilator because you can't breathe on your own, while you see your parents fuzz in and fuzz out in the foreground, not crying anymore because it's become routine and almost boring. eyes rolling, heads shaking, etc.

twice i have technically died this year. twice i have been non-responsive with no signs of breathing. so thats kind of four of my nine lives. relapse deaths are the easiest, i guess. if i were some higher power i'd probably want to wipe out a 21 year old living with their parents and sneaking drugs, too. it makes sense.

but today, at least, i am ok. i have not used heroin since my last overdose, and i went back to school. i'm not exactly happy, but the things that make me happy take up the time that drugs used to. i sit in my room and play guitar all day, sometimes for days at a stretch. sleep here and there, eat leftovers standing up. i have become a master at multi tasking because of this. one handed typing between notes, sandwich on amp. basically i am 12 again. when i'm not doing that i hang out with andrea, and that is one of the most comforting things in the world. it takes me back to when i was a kid, when the both of us made plans on living in a spray painted tour bus and travel across the universe.

i guess my christmas message is that having an awesome best friend can kind of save your life, whether it be a guitar or some silly serbian that finds all your jokes funny. the fact that i could come back after over two years of completely disappearing still surprises me. and makes me so overwhelmed by how great my remaining friends are. oh, uh, and my parents, you know - those people that muscled their way through the unspeakable pain i put them through, just to give me a place - rent free! - to live in for as long as it takes me to become a functional, relapse-free adult. to have people that will do their best to protect you, and be there for you after you've dropped off the radar because crack and heroin ft. a shitty husband seemed way more...necessary? - is insane. and to look back and think that those things were actually more important, more integral to me being able to get up in the morning...makes me so sad. i lost a lot of time. i miss the years that i never got to actually live because i was standing in some alley doing alley-related things. i miss my teenage years! and the first part of my twenties. but i guess the best option i have right now is to white out the shitty parts of my life, because i can't reel the tape back.

don't do drugs, kids. or at least have a friend that will stay with you after you get clean. i ruined my life from age fourteen on. but i got (mostly) clean seven months ago, and by some luck of the draw a few of my oldest friends came back into my life. my parents did, too. and one of them even had christmas at my parents house. plus beer. that's a total fucking win-win. i got my parents back, my best friend, and there was beer. and the lil' wayne documentary.

i think that's a sob story worth sharing. slob story.

merry two days after christmas-mas. don't ever think i'm not thankful for how my life turned around and brought me turkey and beer as opposed to jail and situations too shitty to even mention.