Wednesday, January 27, 2010


i'm at some shitty crossroads, except this one isn't like the one robert johnson came to where he sold his soul to the devil to be able to be the baddest guitarist in the world - because i would be into that. this is like the one that the young adult comes to when they realize that they need their friends, and they need to make things happen. and when both are absent, they eventually have to choose between chugging along the way things are, or breaking away and potentially ruining their lives in a whole new city. that or being a junkie again - just kidding, guys!

MORAL: lets hang out more. i miss everyone. call me, knock on my door, send a carrier pigeon. fax me a high five. i accept donations of corn chips and or beer.

i'll figure something out. i always doooooo.


i am not this much of a bummer in real life. i seriously just googled "deep thoughts animals" for ten minutes. thats pretty heavy.

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